The incapacity to comprehend the written text, to make connections with previous information, to formulate points of view about what was read and to transfer the information from the text into real life is referred to as functional analphabetism. For functional analphabets, mother tongue is, from one point on, „foreign”. This is the reason why I used descriptors from the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages in the aim of offering a didactic perspective on the competence of communication. For solving this problem, this deficiency in relation to the text in mother tongue, the Romanian language and literature teacher can utilize a new, very well made curriculum (2017). Beside this instrument, the psychological perspective on motivation and its necessity can be helpful. I correlated the state of acompetență(lack of competence) - a term created by myself in this context, along with the derived adjective: acompetent (less competent) - of the pupil and the capacity to interpret poetry. Between the two extremes, the steps to be taken in order to exit acompetența are pointed out by the curriculum applied by the teacher in the activity with the students. I identified several deficiencies observed during assistance to classes of Romanian language and literature. I attributed them, partially, to the haste of the teachers of covering the manual under the pressure of national evaluations. I mentioned the benefits of the access to the universe of logos, the force of living words as illustrated by the orphic myth.